Les projets de recherche de MAB contribuent à la conservation et à la gestion des oiseaux boréaux de deux façons : 1) en fournissant la meilleure information disponible et 2) en faisant avancer les fondements théoriques sous-jacents à la conservation et la gestion des oiseaux dans la région boréale. Explorez nos projets de recherche ci-dessous:
L’équipe du PMAB croit qu’une mise en commun accrue des données favorisera la recherche collaborative et accélérera la conservation de la faune aviaire ainsi que la recherche. Les données ouvertes du PBAM seront bientôt hébergées sur la plateforme WildTrax. La découverte et le téléchargement de données sont disponibles sur la plate-forme WildTrax sous le capteur de comptage de points.
We are a founding member of the CanAvian We share a common vision that reliable and comprehensive avian data are openly available to support conservation and decision-making in Canada.
See Bird Data
Compiling and analyzing avian data from across North America is challenging because data is collected in a variety of ways. We have developed specialized statistical approaches to harmonize different datasets by correcting for survey methodology and species detectability.
BAM develops and contributes to R packages for analyzing avian data.
See Methods & Analysis
The results and outputs of many of BAM’s research projects are synthesized into data products, which we make publicly available to support and facilitate conservation and management of boreal birds. The BAM GeoPortal hosts BAM’s data products, spatial data, and communications to support the discovery and use of our research & data.
Go to the portal
Reliable estimation of species’ population size, trend and distribution is important for informing conservation and management activities. BAM develops approaches to estimate the density, distribution, and trends of boreal birds using heterogeneous datasets. We provide national and regional scale estimates of landbird and waterfowl densities, population sizes and distributions for over 160 species.
Model-predicted species distribution and habitat suitability maps for 94 boreal-breeding passerine species based on current climate and landcover.
BAM develops data products to support conservation planning and habitat management. This includes identifying priority areas for boreal bird conservation in Canada.
Explore maps of future landbird and waterfowl densities and climate change refugia across Canada.
Explore habitat and landcover associations for 143 landbird species across Canada.