We are pleased to provide you with the 2021-22 Annual Report, summarizing the Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project’s activities and collaborations during our previous year. Among our research and accomplishments, you can read about:Applications of our work through collaborations with over 35 different partners;Efforts towards improved open access to avian data in Canada;Upload of 140 datasets and approximately 1.9 million observations from the BAM point count database to WildTrax.ca;Progress towards annual landbird density estimates for 143 species for the boreal and hemi-boreal regions of North America;Conservation planning projects to identify areas of high conservation value for boreal landbirds;Regional studies predicting the effects of changes in climate, forest harvest, and energy-sector development on boreal bird populations now and in the future; Our new bilingual website borealbirds.caWe wish to sincerely thank our partners and collaborators for their sustained support over the years and we look forward to our continued collaboration with you. Please contact us with any questions. View the report Share this post Previous Post Next Post