Numerous individuals and institutions have contributed their bird survey and habitat and climate data to our collective effort, from studies spanning the boreal region of North America. The resulting databases of bird locations and abundances, and biophysical information (including forest management information) represent a rich resource for avian research, monitoring and conservation.
Our project relies on, and is deeply grateful for, the contributions of time, energy, data, ideas, and funding from our many partners, whose generosity and cooperation make this project successful.
We have established data-sharing agreements with over 50 partners, including boreal researchers from academic institutions, consulting firms, federal and provincial agencies, non-governmental organizations, and companies in forest products, mining and energy sectors.
We are deeply grateful for the assistance and generosity of these individuals:
Aitken, A. Ajmi, B. Andres, J. Ball, P. Belagus, S. Bennett, R. Berger, M. Betts, J. Bielech, A. Bismanis, R. Bonar, R. Brown, M. Cadman, D. Collister, M. Cranny, L. Darling, M. Darveau, C. De La Mare, J. Deal, A. Desrochers, T. Diamond, M. Donnelly, C. Downes, P. Drapeau, M. Drever, C. Duane, B. Dube, D. Dye, R. Eccles, P. Farrington, R. Fernandes, M. Flamme, D. Fortin, K. Foster, M. Gill, T. Gotthardt, N. Guldager, R. Hall, C. Handel, S. Hannon, B. Harrison, C. Harwood, J. Herbers, K. Hobson, H. Hogan, M. Hudson, L. Imbeau, P. Johnstone, V. Keenan, K. Koch, M. Laker, S. Lapointe, R. Latifovic, R. Lauzon, M. Leblanc, L. Ledrew, J. Lemaitre, D. Lepage, K. Lewis, B. MacCallum, P. MacDonell, C. Machtans, K. Martin, S. Mason, M. McGovern, C. McIntyre, D. McKenney, L. Morgantini, J. Morton, M. Mossop, G. Niemi, T. Nudds, P. Papadol, M. Phinney, D. Phoenix, D. Pinaud, D. Player, D. Price, C. Priestley, L. Priestley, R. Rempel, A. Rosaasen, S. Running, R. Russell, C. Savignac, J. Schieck, D. Shaw, B. Shepard, P. Sinclair, A. Smith, K. Sowl, C. Spytz, K. Stuart-Smith, D. Swanson, S. Swanson, P. Taylor, S. Van Wilgenburg, P. Vernier, M. Villard, B. Waito, D. Whitaker, T. Wild, J. Witiw, S. Wyshynski, M. Yaremko, E. Zlonis
We also owe a debt of gratitude to the following institutions for supporting the collection of avian data and for their provision to BAM:
Acadia University, Alaska Bird Observatory, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc., Alberta Research Council Inc., AMEC Earth & Environmental, AREVA Resources Canada Inc., Avian Knowledge Network, AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., BC Breeding Bird Atlas, BC Hydro, Bighorn Wildlife Technologies Ltd., Bird Studies Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and Canadian Forest Service , Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor), Canadian Forest Service, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Daishowa Marubeni International Ltd., Devon Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Environment Canada, Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program, Global Land Cover Facility, Golder Associates Ltd., Government of British Columbia, Government of British Columbia – Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy, Government of Yukon, Hinton Wood Products, Hydro-Québec Équipement, Interfor, Jasper National Park of Canada, Parks Canada, Kluane Ecosystem Monitoring Project, Komex International Ltd., Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd., Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas, Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba Model Forest, Manitoba Model Forest Inc., Manning Diversified Forest Products Ltd., Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas, Matrix Solutions Inc. Environment & Engineering, MEG Energy Corp., Memorial University of Newfoundland, Mirkwood Ecological Consultants Ltd., National Data Center, Bird Studies Canada, Natural Research Council of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Nature Serve, NatureCounts, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group, Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, OPTI Canada Inc., Oregon State University, PanCanadian Petroleum Limited, Parks Canada (Mountain National Parks Avian Monitoring Database), Petro Canada, Pope & Talbot Ltd., Principal Wildlife Resource Consulting, Quebec Breeding Bird Atlas, Regroupement Québec Oiseaux, Rio Alto Resources International Inc., Saskatchewan Environment, Science & Technology Branch, Environment Canada, Shell Canada Ltd., STRIX Ecological Consulting, Suncor Energy Inc., Tembec Industries Inc., Tolko Industries Ltd., U.S. Army, U.S. National Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Université de Moncton, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Université Laval, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Guelph, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota Duluth, University of New Brunswick, University of Northern British Columbia, URSUS Ecosystem Management Ltd., US National Park Service, USGS Alaska Science Center, West Fraser, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd., Wildlife Resource Consulting Services MB Inc., Yukon College
We thank the Breeding Bird Atlas Projects of British Columbia, Manitoba, Maritimes, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Québec for supplying data, the thousands of volunteers involved in data collection, the regional coordinators, as well as the numerous atlas project partners.
We would also like to thank the following partners and official sponsors of the Breeding Bird Atlases: BC Field Ornithologists, BC Nature, Biodiversity Centre for Wildlife Studies, Birds Canada, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Federation of Ontario Naturalists, Louisiana Pacific, Manitoba Conservation, Manitoba Hydro, Natural History Society of Prince Edward Island, Nature Manitoba, Nature NB, Nova Scotia Bird Society, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Ontario Field Ornithologists, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Pacific Wildlife Foundation, Prince Edward Island Department of Natural Resources, Regroupement Québec Oiseaux, The Manitoba Museum, The Nature Conservancy of Canada.
We also thank the hundreds of skilled volunteers in Canada and the United States of America who have participated in the BBS over the years and those who have served as State, Provincial or Territorial coordinators for the BBS.
We are deeply grateful for the assistance and generosity of the following institutions for provision of biophysical data: BirdLife International & NatureServe, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing and Canadian Forest Service , Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada, Global Land Cover Facility, Government of Ontario (Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange), Natural Resources Canada, Natural Resources Canada – Canada Centre for Remote Sensing & Canadian Forest Service, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group at the University of Montana, University of Alberta.
We thank the following institutions for allowing use of their data in CASFRI, a national assemblage of digital forest resource inventory data for ecological modelling and analysis:
Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de la Faune, de la Flore et des Parcs, Government of Alberta – Environment and Parks (formerly Environment and Sustainable Resource Development), Government of British Columbia – Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations, Government of Canada – Department of National Defence, Government of Manitoba – Conservation and Water Stewardship, Government of New Brunswick – Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador – Natural Resources, Government of Nova Scotia – Natural Resources, Government of Ontario – Natural Resources, Government of PEI – Communities, Land and Environment (formerly Environment, Energy and Forestry), Government of Saskatchewan – Environment, Government of the Northwest Territories – Environment and Natural Resources, Parks Canada Agency – Prince Albert National Park, Parks Canada Agency – Wood Buffalo National Park, Yukon Government – Energy, Mines and Resources
Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc., Blue Ridge Lumber, Buchanan Forest Products, Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Cenovus Energy Inc., Daishowa Marubeni International Ltd., Forsite Consultants, Ltd., Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd., Millar Western Forest Products Ltd., Mistik Management Ltd., Tembec Industries Inc., Tolko Industries Ltd., West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Company Ltd.
We are extremely grateful for the core funding and generous support provided to the project by our financial partners.
We also thank the following organizations for their past and/or present funding support to BAM and/or BAM team members:
Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk (AFSAR), Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA), Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Alberta Land-use Framework (Government of Alberta), Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc. (Al-Pac), Alberta Research Council Inc., Amazon Web Services Education Research Grant Award, Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Boreal Ecosystems Analysis for Conservation Networks (BEACONs), Boreal Songbird Initiative (BSI), Canada Foundation for Innovation, Canada Research Chairs, Canadian Boreal Initiative, Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (Canfor), Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC), Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Environment Canada (EC), Environmental Monitoring Committee of the Lower Athabasca (EMCLA), Environmental Studies Research Fund, Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), Fuse Consulting, Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE), Government of Canada (Vanier Scholarship), Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, Joint Oil Sands Monitoring/ Oil Sands Monitoring, Killam Trusts, Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF) Quebec, MITACS Accelerate Program, Moose Cree First Nation (MCFN), National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Natural Research Council of Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Northern Centre for Conservation Science, Northwest Boreal Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NWB LCC), Parks Canada, Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFMN), Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Université Laval, University of Alberta, US Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, USFWS Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program, West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd., Wilburforce Foundation
Collaboration is at the foundation of BAM. We welcome collaboration with researchers, governments, non-governmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples, industry and any other entities with interest in or responsibilities for avian conservation in boreal Canada.
Please visit individual project page for collaborators involved with each project.