The Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project is an international scientific collaboration that develops and shares data-driven and model-based research and data products to support avian conservation and management across the boreal region of North America.
You can find avian data, data products such as maps, density and population estimates, and more on our Explore Our Data page.
Our avian data will soon be available on our new online platform. For now, please contact us to request data. Detailed information about requesting avian data can be found in our Data Policies and Procedures.
We have many resources about boreal birds. For data, maps and analytics about boreal birds visit Explore Our Data. In addition, you can learn more about boreal birds via our many publications.
Collaboration is at the foundation of BAM. We welcome collaborations with researchers, governments, non-governmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples, industry and anyone with interest in or responsibilities for avian conservation across Canada. We support partners in the applications of our work and data products to the conservation of boreal birds.
There are many opportunities for collaboration with BAM. Please visit our project pages to learn more about the people and collaborators involved in our work.
Collaborate by sharing your data or using our data. Learn more about collaborations by exploring our information policies and procedures.
Feel free to contact us to discuss potential collaborations.
Detailed information about acknowledging and referencing BAM’s work, information and data products can be found in our Data Policies and Procedures. See additional points below for collaborators with BAM.
Are you acknowledging BAM because you collaborated with us or used our data products to produce a publication or report?
Each publication, report, and written or oral presentation resulting from BAM or making use of the BAM database or data product must include reference to the version of the database or data product used in the study. An embedded link to the BAM website ( should accompany all mentions of the Boreal Avian Modelling Project and/or the BAM logo.
Important contributions, such as funding, data submission, or technical or logistical support, will appear in an acknowledgements section. Publications and presentations must include the following paragraph in the acknowledgment section or equivalent position:
“This [publication or presentation or work] is a contribution of the Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project, an international research collaboration targeting the ecology, management, and conservation of boreal birds. We acknowledge BAM’s members, avian and biophysical Data Partners, and funding agencies (including Environment and Climate Change Canada), listed in full at Partners & Sponsors.”
Are you acknowledging BAM because you collaborated with us or used our data products to produce a poster or presentation?
Posters and presentations must include logos for BAM and Environment and Climate Change Canada, plus any other funders specific to the project. An embedded link to the BAM website ( should accompany all mentions of the Boreal Avian Modelling Project and/or the BAM logo. Our logo can be obtained here.
Publications and presentations must also include the following paragraph in the acknowledgment section or equivalent position:
“This [presentation or poster] is a contribution of the Boreal Avian Modelling (BAM) Project, an international research collaboration on the ecology, management, and conservation of boreal birds. We acknowledge BAM’s members, avian and biophysical Data Partners, and funding agencies, listed in full on the BAM website (”
Are you citing BAM because you used our avian data?
Each publication, report, and written or oral presentation resulting from BAM or making use of the BAM database must include reference to the version of the database used in the study. An embedded link to the BAM website ( should accompany all mentions of the Boreal Avian Modelling Project and/or the BAM logo.
Each version of the BAM database has a unique citation. Please visit the avian database page to find the correct citation. Please contact us if you are unsure how to cite the BAM database.
Are you citing BAM because you used one of our data products (e.g., maps)?
Each publication, report, and written or oral presentation making use of a BAM data product must include reference to the version of the data product used in the study. An embedded link to the BAM website ( should accompany all mentions of the Boreal Avian Modelling Project and/or the BAM logo.
Each data product provided by BAM has an individual citation. Please visit the maps & data pages to find the correct citation.
Please contact us if you are unsure about the correct citation.
Are you citing a BAM publication or report?
Each BAM produced or co-produced report or publication has a citation listed here.
Each annual report provides a suggested citation on their last page. E.g., Boreal Avian Modelling Project. 2020. Annual Report – April 2019-March 2020. Boreal Avian Modelling Project, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
You can download the logo by clicking on the image of the logo below. Then right-click on the large image and select “save image as”.